When Devin visits his mother these days, it feels like she’s making up for lost time. If she could only package it up and send him home with it.
Want to get published & join this community of writers? Send us an original post using LITTLE DETAILS as your prompt and we’ll publish the best!
Little details breathe life into our stories, real or imagined. This week, we asked our writers, What little details do you hope people notice about you?
Being selfish is usually frowned upon as one of the worst things a person can be. But aren’t we all selfish, all the time?
You hear a lot of talk about “writer’s block,” but what about the opposite? What do you call the rush of words and inspiration?
No more pencils. No more books. No more teachers—hard stop. This time, it’s not because of summer vacation. It’s a dark time for American schools.
Many of us struggle with writer’s block of different causes. Heather takes on self-doubt, finding a way to fight off that bully.
A promising TV writer takes a pass at the hottest new Netflix show, Black Mirror. Although, the twist in this version is definitely not what we were expecting. Like, at all.
A man endeavors throughout New York City on a quest to resolve a stubborn bout of writer’s block, meeting and seeing characters, plot, and setting everywhere he tu