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Each week, we issue a writing prompt to our own staff, guest contributors, and readers like you. We welcome guest submissions, so if you’re interested in being featured or regularly contributing to the site, email your responses to kelaine.conochan [at]
It’s an interesting time, between an election and an inauguration. An outgoing public official with nothing to lose because they already lost, decided to retire, or are pressing up against their term limits. So these lame ducks have a few choices to make. Should they spend all of their political capital and go for broke? Or should they sit back and do nothing?
If only this effing guy would sit back and do nothing, right?
Now you, on the other hand, better snap into action. Because this piece isn’t going to write itself.
This week, we’re looking for new original pieces, using LAME DUCK as our prompt.
If you’ve got an inspired ideas about how to respond to this week’s prompt, send us your submission of 400-700 words. Write us anything that comes to mind when you think of LAME DUCK. It can be a personal essay, a poem, short story, script, or anything else original and fresh. Ironic or sincere, real or imagined—just make it worth our while and we’ll publish it, include it in our newsletter, and give you the chance to join the creative, talented staff writers here at The Prompt.
Email your responses to by Friday December 18th at midnight EST.