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Each week, we issue a writing prompt to our own staff, guest contributors, and readers like you. We welcome guest submissions, so if you’re interested in being featured or regularly contributing to the site, email your responses to kelaine.conochan [at]
Dreams. They visit our subconscious while we’re asleep, animating the things we didn’t know we were scared of, the impossible ideas and characters that live in our minds, the boners and desires we didn’t know we had. And when we’re awake, we use them as motivation. They’re what we want to do, be, and experience.
Dreams are always with us. It’s kinda creepy, if you think about it. So this week, we’re asking you to write about them.
Have you always dreamed of being a writer? Being not just creative (adjective), but a creative (noun)? Well lah-dee-dah! Now is your time.
If you want to join our community of creative dipshits here on the internet, we’re accepting submissions for our DREAMS prompt. You can write anything you want using DREAMS as your catalyst: a personal essay, a satirical piece, a poem, a script, a short story. Just write a 400-700 word original piece and if it’s good, we’ll publish it and invite you join the crew.
Email your responses to by Tuesday, October 9th at midnight EST.
Can’t wait to read what you dream up.