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Each week, we issue a writing prompt to our own staff, guest contributors, and readers like you. We welcome guest submissions, so if you’re interested in being featured or regularly contributing to the site, email your responses to kelaine.conochan [at]

Fat/skinny. Thiccc/thin. Too tall/too short. Especially in a world where so much of our lives is chronicled digitally and photographically, we’ve all got our issues.

So, let’s write about it. Whether it’s your body or someone else’s. Positive or negative. Biological or metaphysical. We’ve got bodies, and we might as well use it as a creative spark.

This Week’s Writing Prompt: BODY ISSUE

If you’ve got some inspired ideas about this week’s prompt, send us your submission of 400-700 words. Write us anything that comes to mind when you think of BODY ISSUE. It can be a personal essay, a poem, short story, script, or anything else original and fresh. Just make it worth our while and we’ll publish it, include it in our newsletter, and give you the chance to join the creative, talented staff writers here at The Prompt.

Email your responses to by Tuesday, July 30 at midnight EST.

We can’t wait to hear what you have to say.

The Prompt Staff

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A sweet, sweet collective of writers, artists, podcasters, and other creatives. Sound like fun?
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