Prompt Images
My aunt’s cat
My roommate’s leftovers, which I failed to eat covertly with the refrigerator door open
A guardrail on I-95
An ice patch on I-95
Hawaiian Punch
The unholy union of electric cords and my oversized feet
My sister
An unseen, unknown army of viral infections that are immediately vanquished by my immune system
The unrelenting cold and darkness of winter
The unparalleled cuteness of bunnies
My former roommate’s malodorous butt expulsions
Flocks of disgusting Canada geese that line the Potomac River
Small microwave and toaster oven fires
Losing to fat, unathletic people in dodgeball
Every bicyclist on every sidewalk
Violent lightning storms while sleeping in a tent
A flat tire in leopard country
Mark Turgeon’s tactical decisions at the end of games
The Grim Reaper
The white pickup truck that hit me at the intersection of 14th & R Streets
The patriarchy