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Each week, we issue a writing prompt to our own staff, guest contributors, and readers like you. We welcome guest submissions, so if you’re interested in being featured or regularly contributing to the site, email your responses to kelaine.conochan [at]

Dinner with 3 People from History

You’ve likely faced this icebreaker at some kind of leadership conference or work event. It’s intended to, I don’t know, look deep into your soul and tell us the kind of people you value. Are you more interested in deep conversation and answers about world order? Do you just want to laugh? Or, are you just angling to make out with some historical hotshot?

Regardless, this week’s prompt leverages a common question but takes it in a new direction. Because that’s what the writers here do. So, if you have a fresh take, or 3 people from history in mind, send us your response. We’ll feature our favorite submissions from the week.

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A sweet, sweet collective of writers, artists, podcasters, and other creatives. Sound like fun?
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