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Okay, Okay, I accept.
My nomination for the next Republican Speaker of the House is me. It’s the only logical choice. And, quite frankly, the whole crew wants me bad. Jim Jordan has been sliding into my DMs for years now. Marjorie Taylor-Greene named a character after me in her erotic Teletubby fan fiction. Russ Fulcher won’t stop hounding me for makeup tips for his drag persona, Puss Filcher. And if I get one more goddamn invite to an antisemitic clambake at Gary Palmer’s Birmingham bungalow, I’m gonna lose it. But I’ll still do the job.
Yes, I’ll leave behind the cosmopolitan smugness of London for the D.C. douche-swamp. I’ll embrace the beige stone buildings, people, and mindsets of the D.C. politterati. And I will take up the mantle of the absurdly obstructionist Republican Party. But I have a few conditions.
These are my terms, and I think they’re reasonable. My only hope that taking this job will stop the thirsty pleas of the right wing establishment for me to get involved. There are only so many pictures of Matt Gaetz’s micropenis a guy can stomach.