Prompt Images
Leggo my Eggo. | Bet you can’t eat just one. | Where’s the beef?
These taglines have us nostalgic for simpler times and less irony. So, we decided to try on a few new taglines for The Prompt and see if any of them stick. Here’s what our staff came up with.
What would be a good, catchy tagline for The Prompt?
Not regularly scheduled. Always on time.
Creative Dipshittery
A rare medium well done!
Ever thought about fucking Zangief from Street Fighter?!
You’ll feel right at home at “The Prompt!”
A non-surgical treatment option for Peyronie’s disease (results may vary)
– Where creativity comes to play.
– Proof that the internet isn’t completely terrible.
When you’re not quite pretentious enough for McSweeney’s.
For when your antidepressant just isn’t enough.