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Because when you finish writing, you feel kind of fucking invincible
Because your voice is important
Because finding your voice is important
Because trying to find your voice is important
Because life is meaningless, so who cares if your piece sucks
Because you’re in your own head too much
Because the world is bloated with mediocre words… yours can’t be much worse
Because the only way to get better at anything is to practice
Because you need to process your feelings
Because you need to avoid your feelings
Because your email drafts folder is a graveyard
Because your teachers always thought you were so creative
Because creativity isn’t a gift or a talent… it’s a process, dummy
Because you have something to say
Because you hated what someone else said
Because you promised yourself you would
Because it’s really not that hard—just fucking do it already
Because you’re special
Because you’re not special
Because if you don’t write it, no one will even KNOW
Because you’re a fucking scholar, goddammit
Because thinking is an important pastime
Because writers are mysterious and hot
Because your one very good friend always asks what you’re working on, and you don’t want to let him down
Because you really have no excuse, especially now
Because you have nothing better to do
Because The Prompt is counting on you
Because you dream about writing
Because you have good ideas
Because you need to clear out the garbage ideas so you can get to the best ones
Because your head needs an eject button or release valve
Because you already put on the tea kettle
Because someone bought you that Moleskine notebook and you don’t want to be a poser
Because if someone else writes that idea you had, you’ll HATE yourself
Because when you don’t write, you hate yourself
Because you’re tired of hating yourself
Because that character you’ve had in your mind? She deserves to exist.