Prompt Images
Mist fills the air
as the darkness recedes.
Damp, cool, prickly
on sleep-warmed skin.
A flock of turkeys graze
shadows against tall grass
searching for breakfast bugs.
They scatter suddenly
at the creaky screen door
despite my gentle touch.
I withdraw, wait, and watch.
The sun quietly burns
away the gloom.
Lying prone in tall grass
watching the sky
stops time for a moment.
While everything,
everywhere else,
continues on.
I watch the summer clouds
reforming continuously
into something new
while I lie
pinned here
by the sharp points
of my own mind.
The sun is warm.
The light fades as
the sky stretches
and spreads out.
Creatures retreat
to their night lairs
casting a hush
across the field.
Jupiter flares
over the Hearth—
the first spark in
the evening sky.
Fireflies glint
as they flit past,
calling to each other,
searching for connection.
Millions of miles away
seething gaseous fires burn
in an altogether different display.
The darkness spreads
as the sky sparkles
filling the edges of space and time
with darkness and light together.
A celestial reminder
of how we are everything,
and nothing,