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The Audacity of Hope: Not Giving Up on {Obama’s Legacy}

President Obama has given us many reasons to say thanks. But as a young optimist, the most significant and lasting part of his legacy is hope.

Kelaine Conochan
January 20, 2017
Politics, Prompts
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Dear D.C.: A Letter to My People as the {Obamas Say Goodbye}

With the Obamas leaving the White House, D.C. asks itself the tough questions. Sure, you were down when times were good, but are you ready to tough it out?

Mike Vaughan-Cherubin
January 20, 2017
Politics, Prompts
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The Tallest Photo: {Gratitude for} Our First Black President

To many African-American families, Obama’s presidency means something special. But he is more than just a black president. He is part of the family.

Gavin Lippman
January 19, 2017
Politics, Prompts

Dawn-Dreaming: Waking Up to {Thank the President}

The dream where you met President Obama. How did it feel? Is there a compound word that best describes it? Wake up, sleepyhead, and tell us.

Jillian Conochan
January 19, 2017
Prompts, Wildcard
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If We Can’t Have a Woman President, At Least {We Had Obama}

Barack Obama proved more successful on women’s issues than any of his predecessors. Reflecting on our progress, on the dawn of uncertain times for women.

Shannon Vail
January 19, 2017
Politics, Prompts
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That’s Debatable Podcast: {Thanks Obama!} No, Seriously. Thanks. (Episode 24)

In this mini-episode, Cali and Dave talk about the legacy of the 44th President and thank him—both sincerely and sarcastically—at the end of the era of Obama.

That's Debatable
January 18, 2017
Politics, Prompts
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The Presidential Humanity of {Barack Obama}

They called him analytical and cerebral. But the lasting impression of Barack Obama’s presidency is deeply human and emotional. This is his legacy.

Scott Michael
January 18, 2017
Politics, Prompts
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Oh. My. God. {Michelle.}

FLOTUS, I’m sure you get this all the time, but I have to say it, now that I have a chance. Your husband is great, but you’re like so amazing.

Gordon St. Raus
January 18, 2017
Politics, Prompts
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There Once Was a Man They Called Barry: A {Thanks Obama } Limerick

It’s going to be a rough week, so let’s keep it lighthearted and uplifting, shall we? Jesse puts his own spin on Thanks Obama, with limericks of gratitude.

Jesse Stone
January 17, 2017
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